In true indie fashion I've take the past week in putting together a sponsor free goody bag for
POP BURGER...This is a free participation effort at no cost has any company paid me to advertise. I'm moving up and am inviting you to come with me.In an effort to keep the spirit of young designers and small businesses downtown and alive I am in the process of arranging 25 VIP bags for the Press. I want to drive the uptown girls and boys downtown (hopefully with their black cards).
My experience with the press is,today's kids seem to only know what is cool if they are told,so let's tell them what is. We are at a point in time post
"Sex in the City" error when designers are throwing things to the stylist to place on set. Major brands are pitching things to the writers to get their 15 seconds hoping it leads to fifteen million dollars in sales. Two bags are already set aside at the request of 2 magazine editors.

"Angel Lust"logo earrings made by
Elizabeth Karas of
24Karas aka my lovely blue eyed pixie neighbor.

I was even contacted by
AZU for Wear Your Music guitar string friendship bracelets composed of famous guitarist broken guitar strings ie.
Slash,Keith Richards,Avril Levigne. A portion of the profit goes to Music Cares,they are included in
"FASHION ROCKS",the idea sure does!!!

PR wonder-girl Lee at SABON,has helped with this squeaky clean press op by arranging heart shaped SABON soaps in the color pink to sit inside the swag!!!
I feel as if the idea of this blog is finally beginning to do what it was meant. I wanted my brand to be recognized and associated with other cool artist and businesses while doing a good deed
(THANK YOU soooo much WearYourMusic.org)...Not only is having something so Rock N'Roll in my girly little bag soooo "Angel Lusty" but it's totally a hot good deed!!!
If you represent any newspaper or magazine or press affiliation please contact me at angellustnyc@yahoo.com...
Take a peek inside to see what is inside each one so far!!! More to come....
Big thank you to my secret little non trustfund baby friend(partially by choice)you know who you are!!! I'm glad while I was faery catching I caught you in my dream weaver... at
Henri Bendel without anyone's cash but your own.