This is a collection to all the romantic rock n' roll chickadees out there who have served as a muse to me for the past couple of years. Your music and style has inspired me. Every night I've sat around for 2 years listening to "The Pierces" and "Paige Wood" as I make my little creations. I've named a piece after every rocking girl I have been intrigued by. Now let's get all dressed up with everywhere to go!!!
xoxo-Kristen May Anastasia
email: angellustnyc@yahoo.com
phone: 917-570-4820
301 west 57th street suite# 3D
New York, NY 10019
email: mylanbui@bui-lavrypr.com
skype/AIM: mylan86

Kristen May Anastasia brings you Angel Lust, a Romantic Summer of Love collection of high-end hand made head decor...
Keep up the designer in her girly rock n'roll world on myspace....
Gossip Girl Headband
Character Hazle wore this piece on hit fashion show "Gossip Girl" the first season. Anything on Gossip Girl is top notch fashion.
this headband is bound in the most luxurious taupe double faced satin ribbon and topped of with a huge silver satin ribbon bow on the side bow

Katy Perry

Katy Perry is fashion's new pop darling princess. Her catchy tune "I kissed a girl" has been blasting everywhere this past summer.Her girly infectious style has caught the hearts of designers and stylist everywhere.
Hot pink double faced satin ribbon on black ribbon bound headband

Cotton Candy Bow
double layered bow,pink tea stained French imported silk ribbon, the ribbon is eco friendly.


This 60's inspired sunset bow is named after rising southern rocker gal Paige Wood who bears a resemblance to Nancy Sinatra. I picture Paige lounging in a sunset somewhere strumming her guitar and breathy voice wearing this bow.
French imported silk ribbon tie dyed in a rainbow of color,this product is eco friendly.

Flower Power Barrette
The summer of love sprouted the flower child movement,that is what this barette is representative of. Nature,the classic rock that breaths today still.
It is an embroidered with a hint of sparkle including some sequins trim to spruce up any hair cut or style...
Girly Gum drop
grosgrain bow barrette with a sworvarski heart and crystal.

Valerie Flowers

is an original myspace it girl,a lolita darling who plays muse to nightlife photographers all over the NYC nightlife scene. She is reincarnated from the summer of love into the 21st century lost amongst the stars.
this double layered bow and peach bound ribbon is single faced satin bound.

Catherine Pierce
inspired by the striking Catherine Pierce of The Pierces.
This headband is bound in a ballerina pink silk ribbon it comes with large gold stud like beads imported from Italy or in silver .....
Allison Pierce
Inspired by the equally gorgeous but dark haired sister Allison Pierce of The Pierces. this is a black satin ribbon bound headband with large Italian bead like studs. We have them in silver or gold just as well.

Rock Star Barrettes
these Italian bead like stud barettes come in a pair,one for each side of the head. Available in a light peach as well as silver....

this double layerd bow headband is inspired by the dark romantic violinist Gillian Rivers who gracefully plays for The Pierces,she wrote the hauntingly beautiful violin parts for the album "Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge"

One time rock-star girlfriend Rose McGowan flaunted hair pieces for the A list events she attended. This size of this bow here really lets a woman know you're never to old to flaunt something super girly!!!
Bound in a decadent double faced rose satin ribbon with an over sized reverse bow in black.This is a the ultimate girly headband.

Sweet Susanna
Inspired by every chick's favorite Mooney Suzuki song the song "Oh Sweet Susanna",Susanna is a mystery but this head piece is inspired by she.
this pink tiara band is made of silk ribbon in ballerina pink with a gem centered on top.

there is nothing not rock n'roll or crazy beautiful about rock royalty Bijou Phillips daughter of the lead singer of "The Mama's and The Papa's". She first grabbed fashion by its fist at the age of 13 when she became the youngest face to ever grace the cover of VOGUE. Bijou is not just a pretty face but a gifted singer as well/a modern flower child on fire...
This high end adorned bow is composed of French lace with metallic threads woven in,it has a Bijou I mean jewel that hangs from below. It looks ravishing on any pony-tail.

Theodora Richard's papa was and is still a Rolling Stone!!! She is the product of fashion and rock literally. Rock star father Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones married model Patti Hansen. Over a year ago the designer of Angel Lust met Theodora as she played hostess to the Patricia Field's one year anniversary on Bowery. The designer was in love with the eccentric gal's sparkling style immediately and is now claiming her as a muse as well....
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