My family lives near the shore in a neighborhood full of woods and fleurs. I wish New York City had more greenery and flowers spread through out our concrete city. I needed to get out of here for just a while to glare at the stars,walk on the beach with an ocean breeze and dream about a better life ahead.
My intern brings rose and violet macaroons to work often,and we indulge in violets and caramel tea time. We know how to live and work and play all in a beautiful day...
My favorite couple Conlin and Paige through a PAGAN party for Colin's birthday and Jezabelle came and hung out in the garden as we drank wine at their charming carriage house. We should all be lucky to have a carriage house in this city.
One of my dearest spring treats is visiting baby Vance and his daddy Justin my friend of 13 years now. Justin runs Atomic Passion,one of the city's best vintage clothing stores. Gigi the other owner and I used to sit back in the garden behind the store at night with pinot noir beneath the sunset. I would run across the street to my decrepit apt when done.
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