Meet one of my favorite bloggers young Feather. She has absolutely divine chic style. You can mimic a look like her's by grabbing some of my RECESSIONISTA hair clips. recommend
Check out some of my rather cheap head candy on etsy!!! This is my recessionista collection. I've made some affordable product from extra material lying around my headband factory. xoxox
i will experiment and go beyond my limits of celebrity gossip on this blog.. hopefully i don't get any hates for it.. just random crap mostly.. pretty much like this!
i will experiment and go beyond my limits of celebrity gossip on this blog.. hopefully i don't get any hates for it.. just random crap mostly.. pretty much like this!
forgive me for being rude, but this is one of the more beautiful pics of amy winehouse compared to lately.. she's really become a mess.. hopefully (or not), she's cleaned up.. i love her music to deathhhh, but wow.. anyway, check out some recent pics of her in st. luciachillin with a princess
forgive me for being rude, but this is one of the more beautiful pics of amy winehouse compared to lately.. she's really become a mess.. hopefully (or not), she's cleaned up.. i love her music to deathhhh, but wow.. anyway, check out some recent pics of her in st. luciachillin with a princess
i debated whether or not to start blogging again.. i finally decided to start again.. i'll try to keep it up, but don't hunt me down if i don't.. it's great to be back!!
i debated whether or not to start blogging again.. i finally decided to start again.. i'll try to keep it up, but don't hunt me down if i don't.. it's great to be back!!
French Cinema's Ludvine Sgnier is a total nymph on screen. No stranger to bearing her beautiful flesh on screen THANK GOD,the world has a right to view such a beauty. I love french woman their ascetics ,attitude,and artful approach to living one big seductive life.
Ludvine you are so gorgeous and a total ANGEL LUST Muse. I love watching you move on screen and speak your seductive french language. Of course the sex goddess has been in French PLAYBOY!!!
I'm not sure if I ever grew up and out of it either. But I've been dying to decorate ballet shoes for myself for some time now. But during the mean time as I tack crystals onto satin ribbon I can go to BONA DRAG!!!
Valentines day is approaching us. If you don't have a significant other hopefully you know how to love yourself and run around the city with stars in your eyes. If you need help look to these quotes and sayings.
"all you have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given you." -lotr
"don't ever let anyone make you feel like you don't deserve what you want." -10 things i hate about you
"There is only one way to happiness, and that is to cease worrying things which are beyond the power of our will." -Epictetus
"sometimes things don't work out. they take place in your heart and make you a little stronger the next time." -alex & emma
If anyone is volunteering to put me on a an island I am willing to accept. I would love to wash away the winter doldrums!!! However I do plan on sitting in the sunshine at the beach by my parents house this spring...
The 60's will forever hold a place of inspiration inside my fashionista heart. The Boho Chic' era maybe soon be over,its been around for quite some time but the colors shall remain with the fire of ANGEL LUST,the voice of Paige Wood and the folky songs of The Pierces I'm sure.
Above is an image I grabbed from Supremefreak. Bathing suits like this are so dead-sexy on the body. There is much to be left to the imagination in my opinion,you have to have a better body to pull something like this one piece off in lieu of a string bikini.
I'm still mourning the fact that Jovovich Hawk is non existent anymore...The fashion world finally got a couple of celebrity designers that actually designed the line themselves,then they disappear back into the other industry which they came from because they realize you really can't have both and do it well.
one thing is for sure. Artists really need to find another muse other than Edie Sedgwick. As much as I love her so does EVERYBODY.
I've always been attracted to erotic pictures placed in high end magazines. American's can be so prude when it comes to the body and sexuality. Sex is the most beautiful thing in the world so I never quite got what all the shame is about. I found these pics in a new favorite blog I am following called SUPREME FREAK "a place for high-end porn"
Just a quick look at my new little project of feathered barrettes with flowers. These are originals. I will post them to my etsy account when finished. I am trying to make a bunch and do a spring time Henri Bendel trunk show.
Dear Luke, Danie lle, PJ Allis on. . . .And potential talent. . . . heres an opportunity tunity to get yours elf out there !!! be more googl eable ,get recognitio n, and meet indus try peopl e....
I get 250 to 300 hits a day on my blog. 150 at the very least . I want to start video blogging with people such as yours elf and makin g beaut iful art about what I do think stuff like what you do meets prett y Angel Lust meet shame less self promotion your films . #3 to five mins long.
I am offer ing one trial right now and will pay 15 dolla rs for the first . If it works out well the price will pick up to and extra 75 dolla rs a month ( extra spend ing cash) . . . tell me what you think films tress peeps . Negotiatins are possible depending on your experience ls.
watch below!!!
the first video would just be a short 2 min trial and very littl e cash kinda like a test. . . just like 10 dolla rs but if the hits are amazi ng on my accou nt natur ally a littl e more rewar ds. You all are talen t conne cted and exper ience so event ually I would like to pay someo ne 150 to 200 a month to do this regul arly. ..
I will use all my conne ction s to get you the expos ure I can PROMI SE! !! Get back to me kiddi e talen ts!!!
*All over the world hair accessories are taking over!!! Time to whip out some new tricks with the Angel Lust magic wand o fashion sprinkles...
I found this cool chick on myspace who made and produced this cute vimeo vid,I hope she does something for an Angel Lust Commercial one day!!! Her video is "On the beat" from "Electrocute"
Sophia Casanova all dressed to the roaring twenties,aka more inspiration for me...
When she and her fashionista roomie aren't baking brilliant delectables or following Duran Duran,they are residing in NYC at all sorts of hot go to places.
Pictured here hairstylist Ayumie with Patricia Field
So it being a new year I have decided to be a new kind of woman. I've changed my signature scent (However I am still keeping my old signature scent for night). And today kiddies I chopped my luscious locks into long bangs!!! Ayumie my hairdresser never fails me or anyone. She does everything AMAZING and is licensed in any hair specialized trade you can think of from here to Japan. I recommend her services highly. All you faux blonds out there in NYC this chick can paint you a mean beautiful shade of platinum and keep your hair way conditioned like no one else!!! Now if you visit the House of Field Salon you can get the most killer hair extentions done with Great Lengths Hair.Any way to read more about my hairstylist Ayumie click here.Tell me what you all think of my new look!!!
I don't know about you all but I've been finding myself hiding inside due to the cold and lack of cash. I get scared about leaving the house and spending money. Which is stupid in a way because well when I do go out I meet the coolest people and we network. However being inside has really forced me to search out new tunes all over myspace. One thing I've been indulging in every Sunday is venturing out to Brooklyn at Loving Cup to listen to the lovely Paige Wood sing her sets. Listen to her tunes than splurge on buying some below....Feed Paige!!!
In my email via Facebook this morning: HEY PRETTY GIRL
Hope you had an amazing New Years! I've gotten a little addicted to your blog- you spotlight so many interesting people in it. When you have free time, lets make a date to conspire and illustration/headband swap-Molly CrabApple
Around October my party gal princess perfumer Jessica got me into night parties held at the notorious dinner party theater The Box. A couple of weeks ago I did an interview with Barbie doll look alike Ellen Stagg who introduced me to Molly Crabapple at LIT. I didn't know she was the chick who did all these cool illustrations I'd seen before of sex industry icons such as Justine Joli and the Porcelain Twinz!!!
I love knowing who my readers are. Apparently from all over the world now just look on the map to the side of this page and you can click on it to see which cities and countries have visited today. I have some very cool followers and I get amazed and oddly shy when I go out now and people know about this blog I started. Thanks for all you great followers for the comments that have been more active lately. I'm especially thankful to those who I've met in person but where featured here first.
YAY I'm going to get a Molly Crabapple original!!!!