Jumat, 30 Mei 2008


Rabu, 28 Mei 2008
Patricia Field for Payless Shoes part 2
Attention all 2000 of Patricia's closest friends that I handed my business card to. I'm posting this up at midnight I just got home. I'm doing it because you all begged me at the party so you better lay the comments down to show thanks. So here we go, UGH!!!! I hate doing the oh you're so fabulous talk...You know I know someone who knows someone who wears Karl Lagerfeld's hand me downs!!!! So I barely post my own pick on this blog since I usually hate the shot but here I am between Alek and Phillipe Blond. Phillipe is a boy by day and bombshell blond chick by night!!!
Now we have the gorgeous Kirsten Dunst look-a-like Noel in Mandate of Heaven, and I'm really jealous that she managed to snag the only vintage concert Led Zep t turned play suite with hoody available. So unfair!!! Carissa Ackerman of Mandate of Heaven and I chatted it up and I congratulated her on her blue tu tu making the Sex and the City display window!!!
Phillipe and David Blond are an awsome couple, they may not look down to earth (I swear they are) but fashion doesn't get less pretentious than this. LOL I told Phillipe he pulls off that Donatella sh*t pretty good,his I mean her friend Alek really found that funny. You see what I mean though, Right?
Do you love the C Louboutin's on Phillipe???
So you can always count on that slutty sensational look at Pat's parties,last year before Pat's birthday I went with Ayumie here, she's my hair-dresser who works at the Pat Field salon and does AMAZING dye jobs and extensions....Anyway people kept yelling out the window of their cars "How Much?" she got mad....
Now here is Guilda the new House of Field intern, she is from Singapore,goes to Parson's and speaks fluent Japanese because she studied there for 3 years...You will appreciate the t-shirt!
Everyone wanted to shut this chick up as she kept screaming you're fabulous I'm fabulous!!! OK we get it. Anyway she told me her name was Barbie Doll. She has hot hair.
I guess I should mention the shoes,but I was pretty much tipsy on cosmos the entire time. Every time I looked up a waiter was above me with a new glass....
FYI thanks to Blair Waldwarf of Gossip Girls even punk rock girls have got the bow look going on,or at least they will. Who are we kidding it never goes out of style!!!
Here we have the lovely Bijou Pepper/Bijou Flowers or whatever her name is this week,lets just call her Valerie. Shes such a pretty little muse....Her friend Clair was quite lovely,a budding songstress from the upper west side...
Every photographer at the extravaganza kept snapping the cameras at these FIT students and floor manager/senior stylist Mars. I believe the young kids made their outfits and are called the Glitter Kids???Sorry I wasn't taking notes this is all by memory.
So if you love my big purple Kristen May Anastasia Bow then buy it from me soon on www.starsandinfinitedarkness.com!!! FYI a big thanks to my fan who just laid a huge order out on that site (my publicist will thank you too cause that is the bill it'll be paying)!!! Enjoy the rest of my pictures party-goers!!!!
Actually its only fair that I dedicate a special section to Andre J who knocked over a shelf of shoes an ran!!! I swear he wasn't even drunk!!!
And here is the rest of the trans-gendered community and Rock-Star Pat Field herself,and other family members or affiliates.
OK gross now that I've belittled my blog to name dropping worse than "Last night's party",go spread the word....BTW here are store picks of the COKE cans an etc...
Birthday Party,
Patricia Field


Rockstar Chick Paige Wood Announces Warp Tour
Indie Rock's southern sweetheart Paige Wood has an announcement:
NY Send off party:
June 16th @ Pianos 10:30pm!
We are very excited to go on Warped Tour this Summer and hope all you fantastic people are going to come out and support us... groovy music, warm weather, 46 cities?? You know what I say..."When it feels good to you, Repetition, Repetition, Repetition!!!" 46 Feel Good Cities over and over!
Please help us spread the word and promote our band on Warped Tour!
Blogs, Bulletins, Flyers, Singing Telegrams, Post Cards, Jumbotron Ads, Homeroom morning intercom morning announcements, Parades, at Bridge Club, your local Elks Club, local Super Markets, Pep Rallies, Night Clubs, Text Messages, Email, on a cake, in a fortune cookie, "Got Wood? Well You Should! Paige Wood Warped Tour 2008" t-shirts, your local Gyms, Freestyle Hip Hop/Modern-Funk/ Jazz Dance Classes, Tell your Neighbor, Tell a friend, Tell your Grandma, Pimp us out to your Friends, Play our Music at a house party, Play our music in your dorm room, have your cheerleading squad make up a Cheer and post the video on you tube! Anyway you like, if you record your awesome spread the word "Paige Wood on Warped Tour 2008" campaign and spread the love we will post your video on our myspace page and show you love right back!!
Even the Beatles asked for "HELP"! Get creative and send us your ideas;)
new music up soon and videos too!!!
Paige Wood x
Selasa, 27 Mei 2008
Basha Shaindy Hair Wear
I've got competition,but I don't mind LOL!!! I recently stopped by Henri Bendel to check out the latest trunk shows. That is where I discovered the two lovely ladies who partnered up to create Basha Shaindy...
One of my rules of success is to not be afraid to let others shine, or to share with the world other works of beauty. Its a been said that you get back what you put out there. The law of threefold says you will get three times anything you feed into the collective unconscious.
This was the whole reason why I started this blog,and in reality right now it is all paying back ten-fold!!!
Designers can get so competitive it can be quite disgusting. But I guess that is the case in all sorts of business. But here is a hint, those who play the game with one another will help build the foundation of a long standing and rewarding career.
However my other rule is I will only nurture those who nurture back.
Now let's take a look at Boyfriend head-pieces. Boyfriend was responsible for decorating the head's of all Mandate girl's at the Mandate of Heaven fashion show. You can buy Boyfriend feathered head pieces at Shop in the lower east side,and you can pick up some Angel Lust while you're at it.
Reminder: All of us indie companies need your support, thats how we'll stay around...
The Beautiful Erna Leon!!!
Erna Leon is a Georgian native with a more than budding career on her hand. She is both a fine artist and fashion designer. This pass week she premiered a range of her paintings at Mansion. She and her close friends Paige Wood and British cutie Kat strutted around the room in garments she made for her own collection. Erna's talents and natural beauty combined with passion will take her far into this industry. I guarantee it. Attention sponsors and Reps, she's available...
Jumat, 23 Mei 2008

Selasa, 20 Mei 2008
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