I got the chance to chill out with juvenile delinquent like photographer Justin Hyte. We did an interview with him via the internet,and then we chilled on an off at Patricia Field's Barbie launch party this evening amongst anyone you can think of name dropping. What you don't read hear about the lad you can read up more on
www.fashionindie.com when I post.
Angel Lust: So tell me Justin, How does it feel to be a legend in the making?
Justin Hyte: Legend? LOL, I am just an artist. No Legend…
Angel Lust: So many great people have referred to your work as being David La Chapelle like, he's one of my faves. I can definitely see what they mean. However I definitely see a very strong element that is clearly something all your own and its a very special aesthetic you can't exactly put your finger on and point at. How do you feel about the comparison to you and David,and what is it that sets you apart?
Justin Hyte: You know when I think of David La Chapelle we are alike in some ways. I know he is a person with a lot of ideas and so am I but so was Warhol and so was Kenneth Anger, you know what so was the guy that invented the paper clip! People say whatever… I just care about the client and making SICK IDEAS! I am a thinker and I love doing it!

Angel Lust: Who has served as an inspiration and role model in the path your career has taken?
Justin Hyte: Jennifer Avelon and Deryck Todd, They are the only ones who have been there from the beginning and have kept my head straight through all the ideas and booking. I love you.
Angel Lust: So many of these famous myspace manic panic it chicks and boys have been photographed by you (probably just for your own pleasure) in fact I would say your photos served as a huge part of their internet presence, we all love stylized eye candy and unique pretty faces. Do you create icons? Don't be coy, Your pics caught my eye online before I really focused on who was being photographed. I looked at the photo credits before I knew who J Star was. Tell me what you think.

Justin Hyte: From myspace to magazines to commercial, if you trust me I will get you the attention you need! It's my job! "Do I create icons?" for sure I do!
Angel Lust: I love that your photographs are sexy but not over infused with SEX SEX SEX, its more like quirky flirty pretty playful. Yes cream spewed across a face is pretty blatant but not as CONTROVERSIAL as some of these erotic photographers photograph these days. Nothing against them I like that stuff too. But I admire that's not what you rely on to make an image intriguing. There is so much more...
Could you tell us about your creative process?
Justin Hyte: One thing I think is cool about my vision is that in society nothing is as what it seems. Its funny how we can see an image of a person or product and not see what is below the surface. As an artist I understand that and see the show room window of it. If you read deeper in the image I am sure you can see the chaos but isn't it funny how we can candy coat something at controversial as a money shot in the face, just replace one element with a cupcake, ad some vibrant colors and poof, it is pretty enough not to be ragged on by some zealot. HAHA I think its funny, its manipulation through storytelling. I LOVE to always push the buttons and see how far I can go without falling off the edge. That might be my mission statement in life.

Angel Lust: By the way so cool that you got to shoot
Heatherette, you are perfect for them. In fact I think you actually made all that stuff look more exciting then it really was from the quality of your perspective...Now that is a gift and skill all in one. The whole shoot looked like so much fun. What was that job like?
Justin Hyte: I love Heatherette. They have definitely become a part of the Hyte family. The shoot was a lot of fun. When you get to work with self made artist like Richie and Traver it is an amazing feeling. We all were forced and had an amazing time! You can actually watch the shoot on the
Heatherette website. www.heatherette.com Check it out!

Angel Lust: How do jobs tend to come your way at this point in your life. Do they fall into your talented hands or is there a lot of hustling involved?
Justin Hyte: Well most of my clients contact my booking agent or me through the website
www.justinhyte.com. Like any business there is a certain level of hustle. Hey its NYC, what do you expect!
Angel Lust: Tell us about your childhood a bit, your education, and where you see yourself in the future with all your artistic endeavors.
Justin Hyte: Childhood was whatever really, not bad and not great… I was kind of picked on in school a lot for being weird but fuck it… Don't care. The only thing that is important is that I can make amazing photos for amazing people. I can't tell you what it means to me to watch a client walk away happy. I want to do good for these people. You want them to see them in your ideas. There is no greater feeling on this earth than stepping back, looking at your work and going "HELL YEAH!"
Angel Lust: How important was schooling for you when it came to photography?
Justin Hyte: Well, it was really important to learn the basics of the craft and also a good starting point. The one thing I can tell you is that has been clear to me the most important part is finding out what you want to say through your work! So the real classroom was the solitude in front of the coloring book I call a sketchpad!
"Boredom is the spark of creativity!"

Thank you for your time Justin I hope you photograph me one day...
I would love too!
want to tell the world of myspacers what they can pay to have their face graced by your cam going click click. I'm sure lots of kiddies want to know and will save up their lunch money and crack open a piggy bank!!! Your choice.
Call Deryck Tood! 917.853.9971 Let's get it on, see you on set!
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