When Tom Cruise lets his inner control freak get the best of him, there’s one person Katie Holmes, 28, knows she can count on for a shoulder to cry on: her British best friend Victoria Beckham.
“Katie has been crying over the phone,” an insider says. “She’s frustrated. Tom is denying her every single thing.”
The insider adds: “Once, Katie and Victoria talked on the phone for four hours.”
And Beckham has seen how domineering Cruise can be firsthand. A source close to the 44-year-old actor says that he is relentlessly trying to convince the ex-Spice Girl, 32, and her husband, soccer star David Beckham, 31 (who are moving to L.A. this year), to convert to his religion.
“Victoria is sick and tired of Tom being on her back about Scientology,” says the source. “Victoria is an old-fashioned British woman who believes in God. She finds it quite rude that Tom is bugging her so much. Not too long ago, Tom left 18 messages in one hour to get them to join the church.”
The source adds Victoria has put her foot down to Tom’s pressure. “When she says no, she means no.”
Cruise’s rep tells Us, “This is completely false. Tom does not and never has encouraged anyone to adopt Scientology.”
LINDSAY THE WRESTLER Just kidding, but in this picture, she looks like a female wrestler the way she's posing. Yes, I watch wrestling, no I'm not ashamed. Anyway, this is from GQ Magazine. See the rest of the pictures at DLISTED.
JENNA'S EX SPEAKS OUTEarlier I told you about Jenna's post on Myspace. This is what her ex, Jay Grdina, had to say back:
Blah Blah Blah...people in life are amazing! It's funny how individuals always believe their own bullshit.. or basically their side of the story... as flamboyantly as they might want to tell it. Peeps will convince themselves that the shit they spout out of their mouths is the truth and that it justifies everything in their lil realm of reality!! This is man's/woman's best justification of actions and feelings. I love to call it the "Denial Zone". There are always 3 sides to the story and only one side to the truth..It's a funny theory, but it is a reality of life. People in general will always try to blame someone or some thing else for their own faults, inadequacies and/or weaknesses... this is a classic scenario and the best form of defiance! At some point in all of our lives we have to face...REALITY..and the majority of the times its is not fun, exciting, or something anyone wants to deal with. This is when the real people .. the ones with integrity and honesty step out from the pack. I recently read a blog from someone blaming their physical appearance on circumstances and situations.. all of which are completely self perpetuated, on a victim or stress and circumstance. At some point you just have to be honest with yourself... as much as it might hurt and say.. I need help, my life and what I am doing is wrong! At which poijnt you need to become proactive in the rectification of the situation. The saddest point about all of this is that most people have to hit rock bottom b4 they realize this simple truth....this is heart breaking to everyone that loves and supports that person. I always ask myself ...why does it have to get this??? For the people that love and try to help..well...we have an inherent flaw that is in most of us.. we want to help...we always want to come to the rescue; and the person in need has no control; abuses and consumes..consumes like a psychic vampire! Thse are just truths in life i like to pass on.. if they fit in your scenario of life, then appreciate them.  I will never use this forum as a personal place to verbally slaughter people and/or personas....This is a place where I can rant and express.... My theory to life is something that I believe to be helpful... that's it! Take it for what it's worth. I will do a blog later about what is happing in life...the last 4 weeks have been SIIIIIIKKKKK!!!!!  That I will save for the next blog.
SPEAKING OF JENNA . . .If you're into UFC, there's a really good interview with Tito Ortiz (Jenna's boyfriend) at:
Once again, yes, I watch UFC, no I'm not ashamed.
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