Alas lovlies you can now buy limited edition prints by the beautiful Miss Ellen Stagg. I was in complete awww when I stopped by her show and saw these Kukula inspired photos of Justine Joli styled out to imitate the actual paintings. And that she did and more. You can enjoy owning your own now by purchasing here!!!
I can't even begin to talk about these gorgeous works of decadent fashion pics. We'll have to wait till tomorrow when I'm not zombied out. Stop by and take a look for yourself in the mean time fashionista die hards!!!
Ok everyone knows by now ex PR Pat Field/Club Kid Diva It boy Andre J has made the cover of FRENCH VOGUE!!! At first I thought it was a photoshop gig, then I immediately text him, I wall all that you home girl???!!! He replied "sure it babe" any way you go boy you got it going on and reaching the length of Richie Rich,only a lot more quick then those play kitties have. After all time is all we have. Go for the big time baby!!! Congratulate homeboy here and tell my pal where you heard the news first!!! Angel Lust...
Ok now its time for a little self promotion. Recently stylist Liza Montoya came to my humble little studio and pulled a dress as well as a feathered head piece for a shoot with!!! Needless to say I am super psyched that my stuff has been published because Kitten Mag is fastly growing as a fashion hot spot online. Keep in mind for the holidays you can always purchase one here at
Laugh if you must, but I am a wrestling fan and I've BEEN waiting to finally see a picture of HHH & Steph McMahon's little girl! She's adorable! She does look like her daddy, hopefully she doesn't get his nose! That's mean. Her name is Aurora Rose. Sha.
His fashion choices are very questionable lately. Is he getting high before getting dressed? I don't know what's up with that, but the dude needs to stop wearing hats. More pics at INO.
Britney went shopping for a swing set for her boo boos. I say this everytime, but my GOD, she has some ugly ass boots! I don't know how anyone can handle so many photographers around all the time!!! I would be nuts too if I was Britney! More pics at INO.
Well to start out the night I greeted all my pals who work at Patricia Field's store, people who've helped me and supported my creativity over the past few years this first pic here is me and Tati ex store manager. Love him! Her parties are always so cozy, a blend of the wackiest fashionistas/personalities of the night,and surprisingly the crowd isn't pretentious. Major plus since I'm not a hautsy tautsy kind of gal. So the second pic we have here is night life DJ legend Larry Tee alongside his pal Arin Reins. We discussed the question of I posed "If we had the choice would we rather have Money vs. being cool". Strangely enough Larry answered, "Money" while Arin and I decided we'd rather be cool because that is something cash can't buy, but it can buy a false image of cool but that's just plain sad! Another favorite couple of mine where present the designer duo "The Blonds" David and Phillipe create gorgeous diamond corsets which are symbolic of the love they share. Guess which picture is them!!!The super friendly fashion legend Patrick McDonald tried on a pair of the high healed boots that are perfect for this winter. Basic and dressy at the same time. Should you want something more flashy,luckily a tricolored high heal will be available to you all!!! Just look at the top of this post to the right and you'll drool over exactly what I'm talking about. If you want to buy a pair and you don't live in NYC just order a pair on line at To end this post I'm including a bunch of pics of the beautiful people or just plain strange that attended the glitzy cocktail soiree!!!
Kingston is!!! That little man is such a stud! This picture is adorable. He's like "Pssssht, I don't need you, I got this." More pics of Kingston & Gwen at INO.
Britney had her boys yesterday for a visit. Meanwhile, her court appointed monitor is complaining about her.
“[Spears, 25] paid her [monitor] no attention or respect at all, as if she were some employee whom she could blow off. Britney’s often distracted and in her own world when she has the kids [Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1] and has a hard time focusing. She is adamant that she doesn’t have to listen to anybody — that it’s her way or the highway.”
She better shape up. Cuz she needs a man. Sorry, got in the Grease mode for a moment. More pics of her and the boys at INO.
to being the old Petey Pie junkie we all know and love. Pete no longer has supervision for his drug treatment. He says he will be able to stay away from drugs on his own and doesn't need anymore help from the state. YEAH RIGHT. Bitch knows he can't do it. He told reporters that he was not on anymore and that he's staying that way:
"I think I am going to have to. I have kind of had enough really. It is just the beginning, you know what I mean, in their eyes. My life has changed, but I'm still a little bit wobbly. I am taking it one day at a time."
Pete broke up with his girlfriend/fiance', Irina Lazareanu. They got into a fight Mondat and that was it. A friend of his said:
“Irina has been following him around like a bad smell since the moment she caught his eye. She is just so bossy — no one could stand her. Irina used to call and whine that he should come over because she needed him." “She was always telling Pete what to do and where to go, and in the end he had to tell her it was over. Everyone’s happy she’s gone — it wasn’t doing anything for band relations.”
The friend also says that he will try and get Kate back. Maybe he'll go back to being a junkie too! Wouldn't that be awesome! I should be shot for saying that. [SOURCE]
Frances, daughter of Amanda Peet is precious. Even though she looks like her mom. I'm sorry, I just really don't like that woman, she annoys the hell outta me. More pics at POPSUGAR.
Here's Julian McMahon at the Season 5 Premiere screening for Nip/Tuck in Hollywood. I cannot wait til the 30th when it starts!!! I have BEEN waiting patiently!!! That hat has got to go, he's much hotter without it. AND don't get me wrong, I love piercings on guys, but um, that earring just messes everything up, he is one person that is much hotter without metal! Another pic at ICYDK.
As you probably know, Brit got her lips plumped at a medical facility last week. They don't look bad, but they make her look like Chyna (Joanie Laurer) more than anything. And that is not a good thing. She confirmed to the papparazzi that her kids will probably be pumpkins for Halloween . . . how original. More pics at INO.
Fires in California continue to burn. Hopefully they get this thing under control.
A quarter-million people fled their homes amid wildfires that had burned 100,000 acres of San Diego County, officials said Monday. "The situation has gotten dramatically worse overnight ... worse than many of us could have imagined just a few short hours ago," Metcalf said earlier Monday. San Diego County Sheriff Bill Kolender said at a news conference the Witch Fire "will probably be the worst fire this county has ever seen -- worse than the Cedar Fire." The Witch Fire was one of several major wildfires to ignite Sunday around Los Angeles and San Diego, fueled by hot, dry conditions and pushed by fierce Santa Ana winds. Large fires also bore down on Malibu and Santa Clarita north of Los Angeles as thousands of firefighters worked into Monday morning in the struggle to protect lives and homes.
YEEEEHAW!!! Kid Rock was arrested on Sunday. He was charged with battery after a brawl broke out with a male customer at a Waffle House in Atlanta. LOLOL!!! I would expect nothing less from this guy!!! He looks very proud in his mugshot! [SOURCE]
Here she is driving around with her kids once again and a court-appointed monitor person. She did her lips but they don't look that different to me. More pics at DLISTED.
Not necessarily in that order. Britney ran over the foot of a TMZ cameraman yesterday. She drove away after it appeared the man was ok. I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. Those people need to watch out, God I cannot imagine having all those people around me everywhere I go. I feel sorry for her. It also looks as if she got her lips done. She was photographed coming out of a medical clinic in Beverly Hills. An after picture and more of her getting mexican food at DLISTED.
Amy Winehouse & her husband Blake were arrested for possession of marijuana yesterday. Yeah, pretty boring. They stayed in jail overnight and were released this morning. [SOURCE]
Isla Fisher FINALLY gave birth!!! A baby girl was born to her and Sacha Baron Cohen. This is the only information at the moment. I cannot wait to see pictures!!! That's gonna be a cute ass baby! [SOURCE]
Britney has lost her visitation rights with her sons after a court hearing yesterday. According to TMZ:
We've learned Brit did not provide the drug testing people with contact information so they could reach her to facilitate the random tests, and that is what triggered Commish Gordon's action.
She better get her shit together, that girl's gonna lose her kids for good. I don't understand how she's not doing every little possible thing to ensure that she gets as much time with her kids as she possibly can. I understand she's going through a lot of crap right now, but the kids are the most important thing here. Aaaaagh, I'm done.